Adding latecomers to the RSS feed – you can do it!

Adding latecomers to the RSS feed – you can do it!

Every year, we have people who miss the deadline and ask if they can still get in. And as explained in the FAQ, even if we were able to add new blogs to the bundle once it’s been made, we’d have to repost a new link and people would have to re-subscribe to the new bundles. That’s still true, but I finally thought of a very simple solution.

Please only post in this thread if you missed the deadline to sign up!

Step 1: If you missed the deadline, in a comment on this post with your RSS feed link. Not your website URL!
Step 2: Interested parties click on your link, add you to their feed reader on google, and then drag and drop your blog name (in the left hand column) into the VeganMoFo folder. Ta da! This still relies on people adding your blog themselves, but it’s better than a kick in the pants.

I made a poorly cut-and-pasted image in photoshop (featuring Vegan Crunk because I know she missed the deadline) if you don’t know your way around google feed reader.

So there you go! I will tweet this link occasionally over the next week to remind people to come and check for any new additions. I hope this helps!

Also, you may notice that there isn’t one big overall bundle this year – apparently google now limits how many feeds you can put in a bundle, so we had to do it by each category and then ‘everything else’.

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