Sweet Dreams Are Made of Cheese

Sweet Dreams Are Made of Cheese

If you’d asked me before I went vegan what my favourite food was I would have said cheese. If you asked me now I’d probably still say cheese, just vegan of course. All of the deliciousness but with none of the heart wrenching guilt my vegetarian self was dealing with on the daily. The round up I wrote last week was focussed on this true love of mine and uh, so is this week’s, so sue me. Please don’t sue me, I have a problem m’kay?!

This first post comes from Laura at Abracapocus who wrote this seriously helpful round up of Atlanta’s vegan friendly restaurants. As a traveller I loved to amass this info, I never know where I’ll end up one day! Everything from the tofu spring rolls to the chimichanga look amazing but it was this pizza from Ammazza that really grabbed me. They make their own cashew cheese! Book me on the next flight to Atlanta, stat.

IMG_0918Whilst we’re travelling around the Southern states fellow vegan travel blogger Vegan Nom Noms hit up one of my favourite pizza spots Via 313 in Austin today. Via 313 make Detroit style pizza which is kinda like a well-oiled, crispy-crusted, deep dish ‘za. If you’ve never tried it you need to. Nicole ordered the Herbivore with vegan cheese – Follow Your Heart in this case (one of my fave’s for any melty situaton) and added extra arugula, or rocket as I would try to call it!

IMG_4199-300x225Coincidentally also located in the south is MoFo blogger The Veg Abides who wrote an epic round up of her favourite frozen vegan pizzas today. As a self confessed junk food lover she’s clearly a grrl after my own heart and I only wish there were six (yes SIX!) types of vegan frozen pizza in the UK. I think we have two. Maybe three. And only one has cheese. FML!

tofurky-pizzasEasy Vegan are killing it again and again with the Carbs and Rec theme and today’s post is no exception. Today they blew my mind with this DEEP DISH MAC & CHEESE PIZZA. Yes. DEEP DISH. Sorry for shouting but OMFG! I made mac & cheese pizza for my birthday this year because it’s my dream food and deep dish didn’t even cross my mind. I feel like I need to hand over my mac & cheese lovers pizza crown!

15124523247_a20201a6d7My pal Lindsay from Vegan Chai made one of my favourite ever mac and cheeses, the Roasted Red Pepper Mac & Cheese from Isa Does It, for Mac & Cheese Monday. She upped the pasta (just like I always do!) because pasta’s awesome and this recipe makes a whole lot of sauce. If it looks as good to you as it tastes to us the recipe’s online here, thanks Isa.

15318023432_8c1d18ecd9Jenny from Man nennt mich Öko has the right idea about Mondays and she whipped up this gorgeously creamy looking cashew based mac & cheese for her Mac & Cheese Monday post. There are even vegetables hiding in the sauce so if you’re that way inclined this might just be the mac for you.

Nordamerika_A+(2)Lastly this cartoon from Kale Crusaders made me smile when I spotted it this morning. Nooch is my jam y’all. Every day during MoFo Kale Crusaders have been posting a cartoon that fits their theme, Vegan Faux Show, including a chickpea flour omelette and ten different kinds of plant based bacon! Each cartoon includes links to the recipe (or recipes) that inspired it. Such fun!

Mac & NoochI hope everyone’s had a wonderful Monday and don’t forget to keep on MoFoing, we’re nearing the finish line and the team are already busy franticly compiling list upon list of blogs, blog posts and cats (for our personal collections!) for this years MoFies, our amazing online awards ceremony. With prizes this year! You gotta be in it to win it!

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