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The 2014 MoFie Awards: Third & Final Round!

The 2014 MoFie Awards: Third & Final Round!

Hello Mofos! Amey here, announcing the third and final round of 2014 MoFie Awards. I had a great time blogging this year, but I also had a really great time surfing the interwebs and discovering so many amazing new blogs and bloggers. Such a variety of voices and culinary styles and recipes to discover.

Happily, these MoFies aren’t just mere accolades!  Each of our winners will receive a prize from MoFie sponsors The Raw Chocolate Co. How rad is that??

RCC-logo-vector-hires-1024x511If you see yourself here just send us an e-mail at veganmofoblog at gmail dot com with the subject headline MoFie and your address and we’ll get your prize in the post.


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saltnpepa2I mean really. Salt ‘n’ Pepa Tofu, while rocking out to “Push It”? I’m sold.

Little Vegan Bear, MoFo Theme: “Music For Your Mouth” What an epic effort! 30 posts in 30 days – plus, great music-themed culinary creations, daily YouTube videos to rock out to while you read the blog post, and food pictures that were completely drool-worthy. Clearly this person knows how to have some fun!


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molassesmug2I’ve got my eye on this Hot Molasses Mug,
a nice alternative to hot cocoa and packed with iron!

Veggatook on the age-old query: “But where do you get your protein?” Not only that, but they did it with serious style! Each post had delicious-looking recipes and great information about the nutritional value of the ingredients. Combining the joy and merits of compassionate, nutritious and DELICIOUS eating. Huzzah!


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Pane casau 024Pane Carasau from Sardinia? Yum.

From Veggie to Vegan spent the month veganizing specialty dishes from across the regions of Italy. Here’s a composite post that links to all the dishes they created, and the regions those dishes originate from. Such a great effort. Plus, FromVtoV is a bilingual blog in German and English, spreading the good word of veganism to even more readers!


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My Darling Vegan posted an A-Z series of posts featuring baked goods, veggie-riffic dinners, and tasty treats like this cashew-based Turkish Coffee Ice Cream. So many beautiful pictures and enticing recipes. Plus, so impressed with “X is for Xigua.”


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IMG_1027Vietnamese Sriracha Cole Slaw

I really loved the “Poesy and Plate” theme over at Tracy’s Living Cookbook. Each post had a poem or excerpt and then a meal inspired by that text. Such nice meals – ranging from quick evening dinners to more ambitious meals, with personal musings about the food and the poem or quote she chose to go with it. For example:

Affinity by Minnie Filson

I wonder if the cabbage knows
He is less lovely than the Rose;
Or does he squat in smug content,
A source of noble nourishment;
Or if he pities for her sins
The Rose who has no vitamins;
Or if the one thing his green heart knows –
That self-same fire that warms the Rose?




Kitchen Experiments spend the MoFo month regaling us with beautiful sweeties – waffles and fruit tarts and cookies and these totally beautiful chocolate-dipped popsicles. Plus the filling is made with hazelnut milk ice cream. I want one!


Congratulations to all the 2014 MoFie Winners
and to all the MoFo participants!

Keep on bloggin’ and we’ll see you next year!