Sjaak’s Eli’s Earth Bar Giveaway
The winners are:
79 Valerie
55 Sachiko Armour
95 Laura
45 Jenny
We’ll be in touch to get your info! Congratulations!
Sjaak’s was one of the first companies from which I purchased vegan chocolate, back when I was just dabbling in veganism. They continue to offer a variety of chocolates for special occasions and every day.
I’m usually all about the dark chocolate, but I have come to appreciate the smooth, sweet flavor of rice milk chocolate. It’s wonderful that even those vegans who prefer milk chocolate now have so many choices.
Eli’s Earth Bars are delicious candy bars in three varieties–all coated in rice milk chocolate.
The Dream Big Bar is caramel, peanuts and peanut butter, and is sweet, with just enough peanuts to provide some balance and crunch.
The Treasure Bar is crunchy peanut butter and caramel. It tastes like a big, delicious peanut butter cup with little chewy pieces of caramel floating inside.
The Celebrate Bar contains caramel and almonds, but is so much more. It’s coconuty caramel with a crunchy almond bonus.
Sjaak’s donates 5% of every sale to childrens’ charities, and the chocolate is fair-trade and organic.

Today 4 lucky winners will each receive 6 Eli’s Earth Bars. Sorry, but this one is only open to those with U.S. mailing addresses.
Leave a comment telling us about your favorite vegan candy and we’ll pick a winner around 10:00 PM EST.
125 thoughts on “Sjaak’s Eli’s Earth Bar Giveaway”
I don’t have a favorite vegan candy yet as this is my first month being vegan. Sad in the face. Hopefully these will be my next?
The Dream Bar has to be my favorite. I love that it’s fair-trade, organic, and incredibly delicious!
Darn, we non-US vegans are unlucky sometimes! 😉
I’ve only dabbled in Go Max Go bars, and I like their Twilight bar. These look delicious though!
We have a local vegan candy shop that makes an outstanding Salted Caramel!
Oh yum! Any kind of chocolate-covered nuts are my favorites.
My current favorite bar is the Chocolove sea salt and almond dark chocolate. Yum! But holy smokes, these bars sound good!
I like to make my own chocolate almond bark, break that crap up into pieces, throw it in a bag and hide it in my purse for a rainy day. (Or for five minutes later.)
My favorite vegan candy is chocolate, hands down. I’ve always been a 100% dark chocolate girl but, since trying rice milk chocolate recently, I’ve had a change of heart. A few days ago I even tried making my own rice milk chocolate, but failed miserably.
I like the mahalo bar or maybe homemade pb cups. Yum!
I’ve been a bog fan of the Go Max Go chocolate bars, but I’d definitely be down with trying something else! 🙂
As of late, Justin’s dark chocolate peanut butter cup, too tasty!!!
I love candy bars that imitate my old childhood favorites!
I like the Go Max Jokerz bar but can’t really go wrong with any type of vegan candy!
My favorite vegan candy is definitely mint dark chocolate – especially the Endangered Species brand.
I love anything with almonds, peanuts, carmel, and esp chocolate! I am quite a fan of Sweet and Sara Vegan Marshmallow/Chocolate treats. I love the holiday ones, makes me feel included when I saometimes feel left out. I love all the options you are offering, who wouldn’t? ??? vegan candy
My favorite are Sweet & Sara’s Toasted Coconut Marshmallows. I’m excited to try these though, especially the ones with peanut butter!
Homemade peanut butter cups!
Ahhhhh, these all sound SO fantastic!
My favorite vegan candy is absolutely chocolate. I really like the Go Max Go bars, but usually opt for Nashville’s own Olive & Sinclair dark chocolate.
I’ve never tried any of these Sjaak’s bars and I would really, really love to. 🙂
I don’t have a favourite so far…make this it!
I’m kind of addicted to Ginger chews from the Ginger People.
I usually just go for simple dark chocolate since we don’t have any of these fancy vegan bars near me!
i don’t have a favorite candy bar but anything chocolate is good to me 😀
There is a local chocolate shop that makes a lot of vegan chocolates, and my favorites are the peanut butter caramel, coconut cream, and the seasonal ones like the cream filled bunnies!
I made Chef Chloe’s vegan thin mints and devoured them! So delicious!
If I can include chocolate in the term “candy”, then Sjaak’s little chocolate bites (almond butter and mint flavors)!! Was never a huge candy person. But I do love chocolate! These sound awesome.
I cannot resist Vegan peanut butter cups…so easy to veganize, yet so hard to find!
I love Enjoy Life’s dark chocolate bar and Eli’s Treasure Bar!
Chick-O-Stick!!! And Chocolate dream chocolate chips. In the same bite.
Chocolove Cherry Almond is my current favorite, but I would LOVE to try these. They sound amazing!
My favorite vegan candy is the dark chocolate sea salt almonds from Trader Joe’s. I try to tell myself that they’re NOT candy, but are actually part of some more virtuous food grouping, like ‘nut snacks’. But, um…they’re candy.
Vegan marshmallows which I then enrobe in tempered peppermint chocolate
I haven’t had much vegan candy. I love all things chocolate. I have indulged in more than a few vegan chocolate chips for Whole Foods.
I’m a fan of Scharffenberger’s nibby bars.
I’m pretty sure cinnamon bears are vegan. They’re my favorite.
My favorite is a mint dark chocolate bar. Yum!
I just bought a couple of the Celebrate Bars on Food Fight’s website! Those are definitely my favourite chocolate bars.
I love homemade vegan baci (chocolate-hazelnut truffles). Dark chocolate and nuts is pretty much one of the best combos ever.
My current fav vegan candy is the black leopard endangered species bar.
Whittaker’s dark peanut slabs! I make them at home now just by melting some dark chocolate in a double-boiler, mixing peanuts in, and having them set in the fridge, in muffin cups. Om nom nom.
I have some raw organic hibiscus and ginger chocolate right now. I don’t know if it’s my favorite, but it’s tasty. 🙂
And now I want to eat a chocolate bar for breakfast. Thanks a lot. 😀
Like others, I’ve only tried the Go Max Go bars, which I love because I’m not a huge fan of dark chocolate. The Mahalo is my favorite because of the coconut. But last Valentine’s Day I ordered myself a box of Sjaak’s truffles (what, its not normal to order chocolate for yourself?) and loved them! So I’d be super pumped to try these.
I love anything that has caramel, peanuts, and chocolate.
I turned vegan on my birthday and i already have a favorite candy bar! I love the Go Max Go Joker bars! Their like a yummier version of snickers.. Great giveaway!
I LOVE the Treasure Bars and the Dream Bars the best! They’re all so good! This is my favorite brand of candy bar, but they don’t sell them near me yet.
My favorite vegan candy is a fair trade salted chocolate bar. I’m not good with names, but It comes in a lovely blue and silver wrapper and is delicious.
I’ve had very few vegan candy bars myself…. trying ot find which ones are vegan has proved too hard i think. i do think I have tried the TWilight ones also, and they are great. But omg these sound delicious!!!!!! especially the Celebrate Bar. Though with a combination of caramel and nuts, who could go wrong with any of them? I could use a chocolate pick me up right about now… homework blues!!!!
Dark chocolate. Really dark chocolate.
My favorite vegan candy is definitely the Sjaak’s hazelnut butter cups. I have to restrain myself from buying/eating too many!!
My favorite vegan candy is the homemade chocolate peanut butter cups, made from the recipe in Alicia Silverstone’s The Kind Diet. I make them using the crunchy peanut butter in the bulk bin at WF, make up my own graham crackers from a recipe in the King Arthur Flour Whole Grain Baking book. For special occasions, I’ll use a large heart shaped mold, and make just one giant peanut butter cup.
Favorite store bought – Eli’s Teasure Bar – the crunchy peanut butter does it for me.
I was SO happy when I found a gummi bear that was both vegan AND gluten free – gummi is my first weakness, chocolate and caramel is my second. I would love to try these – I love the name Dream Big and I love the ingredients of the Treasure!
Chik-o-stick forever!! But these look pretty awesome too!
Dark chocolate covered almonds!
My favorite vegan candy is Cocomels (especially the espresso flavor) but I also love chocolate! Thanks for having such a great giveaway!
I am a newbie, to this awesome blog and the vegan way. So for me, vegan candy so far is dark chocolate and fruit!
Chocolate covered strawberries! Do those count? And vegan gummies!
For chocolate we’ve been enjoying Equal Exchange Organic Dark Chocolate with Almonds lately and my kids have been known to eat their weight in ginger chews. I am sure I could fall in love with any of the bars in the picture…drool!
I think Jason’s Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup is my favourite vegan candy.
I’m a sucker for Swedish Fish!
Dark chocolate if it has interesting flavors/spices added in! Especially if I dip it in coffee so it gets all tempered and yummy. <3
Go Max Go’s Joker Bar. It’s like a snickers bar, but this one satisfies your conscience, too!! 😉
Crystalized Ginger in Dark Chocolate has been my most recent “favorite”…
Sweet and Sarah Easter bunnies!
I love the Go Max Go bars!
soydairy vegan marshmallows. make my own rice krispies!
I love the Go Max Twilight bar but I also miss Reese’s peanut butter cups so I’d like to try making some of those at home in the future.
My favorite vegan candy is Ginger Chews! Thank you for the giveaway; I love Sjaak’s!
My favorite vegan candy bar so far is…GoMaxGo’s Buccaneer. Sadly, my local Co-Op carries some Sjaak’s chocolates, but not the candy bars. Yet.
granola baby!
My husband and I are trying vegan for 21 days (I plan on staying). We are on day 17. Never knew there was a “milk” chocolate Candy, we have been popping popcorn as our treat. Would love to try it!
I made a vegan “cadbury creme egg” that was pretty darn tasty. Also love dark chocolate covered almonds.
Man, that is a tough question…so many good vegan candies!! Right now it’s probably these Japanese rice candies called Tomoe (soooo good!!), but that could always change. *wink wink*
My favorite vegan candy is actually my homemade peanut or mint chocolate cups. I probably eat four to every one my husband manages to snag. 🙂
I love anything with chocolate. I was i heaven when I first tried the Go Max Go Jokerz bar. So good. I never had Eli’s Earth Bars, but they sound absolutely wonderful.
Any candy bar with chocolate and peanut butter is a big hit for me!
I love Go Max Bars, but I haven’t tried Eli’s Earth Bars yet.
my favorite vegan candies are sjaak’s peanut butter cups and mint cups and caramel ones. so good.
Theo Chocolate has some groin-grabbingly transcendent vegan offerings, their Cherry & Almond variety being my favorite. Mmm!
I love SurfSweets but these bars could change my mind.
My favorite vegan candy are go max bars, but I’ve heard such great things about Earth Bars and am dying to try them!
My favorite vegan candy — to date — is/are Sjaak’s Almond Butter Bites.
i love sweet & sara’s vegan marshmallows (and just about everything else they produce!)
justin’s nut butter cups. hands down.
I love the Go Max Foods Twilight vegan candy bar. Sweet & Sara Marshmallows too. Oh yea… and Rescue Chocolate’s Peanut Butter Pit Bull.
I’d have to go with the chick-o-stick!!!! Have you ever had chick-o-stick pie?
I haven’t really tried much vegan candy, as I’ve only just taken my first steps towards a meat-free lifestyle. I recently got to try a Raw Revolution bar in chocolate coconut, and omg was it tasty! Soft and chewy like a brownie, I was really impressed that raw vegan could taste so good. I’m looking forward to trying more! 🙂
My favorite chocolate is actually the raw chocolate nut squares my local health food store makes. I have tried a couple of other chocolates, but I’d really like to try some different kinds. Pick me! 😀
My favorite candy would have to be surfnsweets sour gummy worms. Before beComing vegan I love gummy worms and when I found vegan ones I was in love!
I’m a fan of Chocolove – the darker the better.
I am in LOVE with the Mahalo bars! We’re planning on eloping in Hawaii, his home state.
I love dark chocolate especially with espresso beans.
Uncle Eddie’s vegan cookies – so good even my omni family loved them!!
My favorite candy is from Lagusta’s Luscious in NY. I am head over heels for her rosemary salted caramels. Thank you very much.
I’ve never tried these bars, but I’m not too discriminating when it comes to chocolate…bring it on!
I also love the dark chocolate sea salt and turbinado almonds from Trader Joe’s! They are delicious! And these sound fantastic.I would love to try something new!!
Coconut caramel and almond is quite possibly one of the best combinations I’ve ever tasted. I haven’t had this particular brand, but I’m sure they’re delicious.
My Raw Neapolitan Pie that I made a few weeks ago was probably one of my favorite vegan desserts, although Loving Hut’s Carrot Cake is exquisite!
Any vegan chocolate has my heart
Just had the Cleo’s peanut butter cups for the first time, and it is my new favorite!
I love the Alter Eco Dark Quinoa Chocolate. The quinoa is nice and crunchy and I can pretend that it is a healthy snack.
I don’t have a favorite candy because I can never find vegan ones! Maybe these will fix that!
I love a plain old bar of chocolate. Mmmm….there is a whole aisle at my Whole Foods with vegan chocolate!
The Go Max Go bars are pretty awesome.
Dark chocolate. I love Sweet Earth’s SLOChews: dark chocolate, caramel, crunchy rice crispies and cashews.
Missionary Chocolates from Portland is easily my favorite vegan candy. I don’t know how they make those amazing chocolate truffles taste so dang good, but I’m very much (and happily) addicted.
My favorite vegan candy is hazelnuts covered in chocolate. I heat up some semisweet chocolate chips, then toss in some hazelnuts, and spread the mixture out on a cookie sheet for 15 minutes. And hot damn is it good!
i like Swedish Fish
I love spicy apple ginger chews! They are glorious. I can eat a ton of them and can hardly even feel the dull ache of sugar coated teeth over their flavor and the happy meeting of ginger and my tummy.
And those bars look fantastic..!
I’d have to say it’s a tie between Justin’s Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter cups and Rescue Chocolate’s Peanut Butter Pitt Bulls since all of Rescue Chocolates proceeds go to animal rescues and Pit Bulls are near and dear to my heart.
anything chocolate is my fav vegan candy!
Jokerz all the way.
My most favorite is Theo’s Dark Chocolate Fig, Fennel & Almond Bar. No way I can resist…it’s just not possible. 🙂
Anything by Go Max or the Crispy Cats – yummy!!
I can’t get enough of Alter Eco’s Dark Chocolate Almond bar!
Vegan peanut butter cups, of course!!!
I adore vegan chocolate! My favorite is anything with nuts, such as almonds. Peanut butter added in is a big bonus!
dark chocolate!
Sweet Teeth, an independant chocolatier in Charleston, makes a vegan chocolate bar called The AChocolypse, which is just about the greatest thing ever. It’s a dark chocolate bar with candied ginger bits and popping sugar. Yes, like pop rocks. Only vegan. Like a party in your mouth. It’s awesome that they have a vegan option and I’m hoping they expand their vegan product line!
Q-bel double dark is my favorite.
I don’t know if it’s considered candy, but I like Kookie Karma cookies.
Justin’s pb cups!
My absolute favorite vegan candies are the chocolate peanut butter cups from Alicia Silverstone’s ‘The Kind Diet’. HOLY MOLY. You must restrain yourself.
I’m a newb at all this so I don’t have a favorite candy yet.. Maybe Eli’s earth bars!
Yay, I won! Thank you so much!