Hump Day Round Up
Howdy MoFo’ers! We’ve done it, we’ve reached our Vegan MoFo hump day! HURRAH!
Here’s a selection of todays tasty vegan foods that particularly caught my eye.

The Vegan Whore puts out for tempeh. I’d put out for one of her Bacon Maple Glazed Donuts.

Jess over at Cupcakes and Kale made awesome Cauliflower Alfredo Pasta, that’s gonna make any tummy happy.

Cara over at delighted me with her Drunken Apples

Caramel Coffee Cake anyone? Thought so.

And Saveur over at The Taste Space can cook me up a bowl of Butternut Squash, Coconut, and Lentil Stew whenever she wants.

Newman Improved has just made me the happiest vegan ever with her Peanut butter Tofu!!
And so concludes todays round up and the first half of Vegan MoFo, I can’t wait to see what you MoFo’ers come up with in the second half.
Don’t forget to check out the AWESOME Leslie Hall’s new vegan song.