Vegan Dish Giveaway

Vegan Dish Giveaway


It’s week three here at Vegan MoFo headquarters and I am super excited about our giveaway today. The fabulous Vegan Dish has made some special Vegan MoFo mugs for us to give away!

icm_fullxfull.45601284_2mi1groeqtc0gk8kw4cwIf you haven’t seen her work check out Vessels and Wares on etsy. She has a wonderful variety of both vegan themed and plain ceramics for your perusal. You’ve probably seen her work in some of your fellow vegan bloggers photos and will recognize the classic lines and colors.

bowlsYou can get a whole stack of bowls and use one each day of the week for your cereal or oatmeal. Starting the day off with handmade is guaranteed to make your morning breakfast a more pleasant hour (or five minutes). Support small vegan businesses! Follow Jeanette on twitter @jeanettezeis or instagram to see more of her work.

Vessels and Wares is offering a mug to 4 different readers today. To enter, you just need to leave a comment below about your favorite morning beverage. We’ll select four winners at 8 am PDT on September 18th. This giveaway is open worldwide, with a limit to 2 winners outside the US. You’ve got 48 hours to enter! One entry per person please.

214 thoughts on “Vegan Dish Giveaway

  1. Been on Kafe Tonic kick recently it’s tonic water (Fever-Tree) on ice with a slowly poured shot of espresso. I like to add soy creamer to mine with a lil maple syrup. On mornings when I’m feelin
    lazy I just grab a Salted Caramel Califia cold brew iced coffee =)

  2. My favourite morning drink! HOT COFFEE all the way! With soymilk, and if I’m lucky a hazelnut syrup! Out of my cafetiere with HOT SOYMILK! So yummy!

  3. my own rendition of “bullet proof coffee” is my go-to morning beverage. strong coffee. 1 tbs of unrefined coconut oil, unrefined sugar and homemade cashew creamer.

  4. equal exchange french roast coffee with soy creamer, sometimes with agave too if I need an extra kick start in the morning!

  5. Wow! These are LOVELY!

    Zoe loves her chocolate-almond-milk and Fanny (although she tries to down a glass of tepid lemon water first thing every morning) can never wait for her piping hot drip coffee with just a drop of Soy Nice creamer.. Yum!

  6. Best giveaway ever! I loooooooove Jeanette’s work! She’s such an amazing talent. My favorite morning beverage – iced coffee with rice milk.

  7. I’m boring, because I normally drink ice water in the morning, but I’ll drink juice if we have it!

  8. French-pressed Ethiopian Yirgacheffe coffee – it has subtle hints of chocolate and berries – served black and with a very tall glass of room temp water to chug between mugs.

  9. My fav drink is Yerba matte latte! Steep the tea, then add to blender along with with cacao, maca, molasses, coconut oil, and hemp seeds… Sooo good an creamy! When I want to get fancy I’ll top with a sprinkle of cinnamon and cayenne ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Hot green tea with lemon, cayenne, goji berries and maple syrup! Or a soy latte if it’s the weekend ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Coffee with unsweetened almond milk! The smell always wakes me up as I get ready for my grad school classes ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. I looooooveeeee Vegan Dish! Jeanette you make the very most beautiful things! I drink a cup of coffee each morning to get my necessary caffeine fix. But in a perfect world where I can have all the sugar I want and have no time constraints, I’d have a spicy chai with plenty of sugar and almond milk!

  13. Yay yay yay! Jeanette is the best! Current fave beverage in the morning is either iced or hot decaf with unsweetened almond milk.

  14. My favourite morning beverage is coffee with non-dairy creamer. It would be extra-delicious in a VeganDish mug, of course!.

  15. Coffee in the morning! With a spoon of sugar and some almond milk! I’d love to sip some of that magic out of that beautiful Vegan Mofo mug. Such pretty colors from that artist!

  16. Iced coffee with a little soy milk right now! Later it will be hot with a touch of almond creamer and maybe a little caramel syrup.

  17. I’ve become a bit obsessed with cold brew coffee, which I’ve been making myself to steep overnight. Some of that with some unsweetened vanilla almond milk, and I am all set!

  18. Coffee with a little stevia and tablespoon of Hazelnut Coconut Creamer and a dash of pumpkin spice season. Mmmmm….

  19. A good cup of black coffee! If the only coffee available is not good, adding almond or soy milk is necessary!

  20. Room temperature water with lemon and following that a strong Cafe lattรฉ ๐Ÿ™‚
    btw I love the mint green colour of that mug!

  21. Morning starts with warm lemon water, followed soon after breakfast by a coffee (black and fresh ground)…….. Now I am ready for the day!!

  22. Hazelnut coffee, one packet of stevia, and almond milk with added protein. Ah, a little sip of heaven!

  23. Overnight chilled water with lemon slices & fresh blueberries ???? …zIng!!! A great waker-upper!

  24. Ooooh, I LOVE Jeanette’s stuff. I have a number of pieces from her collection! Would LOVE to win a Mofo in it. I’d say my favorite beverage is Irish Coffee because coffee is better with booze in it.

  25. I LOVE coffee in the mornings to help wake me up after a night of looking after a 5 month old!! I have it with soy cream and sugar, and sometimes a syrup of some sort! ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. MMMMmmmm…coffee black…after my super green kale-banana-anykinda-nut-butter-I-grab shake!!!!

  27. I usually drink orange juice or water, but I enjoy a morning hot chocolate once in a while, especially when it starts getting colder out!

  28. What cute wares! At the moment I’m a slave to homemade almond milk lattes, but I want to get off of coffee and onto some healthy matcha action in the future.

  29. My favorite morning beverage used to be coffee but I gave it up because it was making me not feel so good. So, instead my favorite hot morning beverage is hot chocolate that I make with cocoa, coconut milk, and liquid stevia.

  30. These are adorable! My fave morning beverage is black coffee. And if I’m being completely honest, it’s really my all day beverage. A 6 yr old and twin 2.5 yr olds means a lot of reheating! ๐Ÿ™‚

  31. These are stunning! The summer weather is quickly turning to fall coziness. The leaves will be falling and all I want to do is warm my pregnant belly with a vanilla soy chai latte with vegan whipped cream and chocolate shavings. Being a Canadian, preggo is awesome this time of year. Oh it would be so lovely to win. Would love to adorn our kitchen with beautiful pro vegan beautiful ness

  32. Oh wow! I’ve been lovingly longing for some of her work forever!
    First thing in the morning I make us all a good strong pot of coffee, I drink mine black with one sugar. Pow! Yum!!

  33. My favorite morning drink is a green smoothie- fresh organic kale or spinach and a bunch of different fruit to sweeten it up ๐Ÿ™‚

  34. LOVE LOVE LOVE!! I’m currently really enjoying dandelion coffee with a splash of almond or coconut milk, maca powder or sometimes with some coconut sugar. Delicious and a great liver cleanser!

  35. My favorite morning beverage is hot tea with a little soy or rice milk. I’m always cold in the morning, even in the summer, so this is what I drink all year. If I’m really cold I will add some ginger.

  36. What a generous giveaway! Those are all so beautiful. My favourite morning beverage is herbal tea or watermelon (if it’s summer) (watermelon counts as a beverage, right?).

  37. Currently drinking vegan pumpkin lattes. Made with hemp milk, pumpkin puree, cinnamon, nutmeg, & cayenne for a kick. So good. Perfect for fall mornings.

  38. my current fav- cacao coconut lattes. ๐Ÿ™‚ spoonful of coconut butter, cacao powder, coconut sugar, almond milk, and some coffeeeee duh!

  39. Hot chocolate, hands down — sometimes with some cinnamon and rice whip :D. Oh and with dandies in it!

  40. These mugs are beautiful! I love having vegan clothes, mugs, gear, etc because it really gets the conversation started when people visit our home. Not to mention, I always need a good coffee mug while I work on my books!

  41. After the kitties have their bowls filled, I settle downforce a few minutes with a steaming cup of Peet’s coffee

  42. Ooooh! These are so great!! I’m a coffee girl, be it with soy milk, almond milk, ice, or with nothing at all, coffee is a favorite. In the winter I open up my “tea cabinet” and get weird with those too.

  43. This is adorable! I want the bowls too! Buying those.
    My favorite morning beverage is French press fair trade coffee with almond or coconut milk and a dash of cinnamon. Yumyum!

  44. I want to say something healthy like green juice or ginger tea, but lately I have been so tired it’s a big mug of coffee. If I’m really pushing it, I’ll even add chocolate to it, though that tends to be my afternoon pick-me-up!

  45. My favorite morning beverage is black coffee because San Francisco is spoiled with so many amazing coffee shops with excellent coffee!

  46. As a hot chocolate lover and mostly raw I was thrilled to see a recipe in The Rawvolution Continues for hot chocolate. I drink this more days than not.

  47. Well, being from the UK, I have Lady Grey tea with soya milk but if I won these beautiful bowls I might go all Parisian and start drinking hot chocolate out of a bowl for breakfast!

  48. Coffee, if I am super tired. But if I feel rested, I love sitting down and drinking a cup of Irish Breakfast Tea before the kids get up ๐Ÿ™‚

  49. Hot cocoa drink with almond milk and dates. A pinch of roasted coconut on top and taste like heaven.

  50. There’s nothing like freshly made fair trade coffee with soy creamer… My boyfriend makes the best coffee for us… He attributes his vegan inspiration to me and with such gratitude I can’t help but remember daily my joyful reasons for choosing this compassionate lifestyle. Thanks for the opportunity!

  51. Any type of coffee with creamer is my drink of choice in the morning. Pumpkin coffee is my favorite.

  52. I’m a faithfully addicted coffee drinker, but I am currently trying to wean myself off of caffeine. It’s not easy! An awesomely adorable handmade mug full of white tea might ease the transition. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  53. I have two: kombucha and coffee. I love to add some very vanilla soymilk… I just have a sweet tooth ๐Ÿ™‚

  54. I start the day with fresh ground coffee from the burr grinder and add so delicious soy creamer. Then I drive 93 miles to work & make a HUGE cup of hot green tea! Yay caffeine! Love this mug!

  55. Green tea Monday through Friday. Coffee with lots of almond milk (goes better with pancakes) on weekend mornings.

  56. My favorite morning beverage would be anything in that beautiful mug!

    And all also, coffee with vegan creamer ๐Ÿ™‚

  57. Tea of almost any description. Earl Grey is my number one, but I drink regular black, green, different flavours of rooibos, ginger, mint, various herbals….. Whatever hits my fancy that day.

    Unless I have peanut butter at breakfast, then I just need cold almond milk.

  58. Oh my gosh! These are just fantastic!! Love the mugs!! And those dishes!! Would love to eat something delicious out of one! Thanks for the chance and for sharing! xo

  59. How cute! Perfect for a hot cup of tea in the morning (I love American Classic and it’s local to me!).

  60. This mug is so adorbs, that I would probably have to share it between my two favorite beverages. First I would have my smoothie in it. Then I would have my coffee in it. (Don’t worry, I’ll rinse it in between.)

  61. My favourite morning drink is a glass of cold oatmilk (to go with my toast if I am going to work) or a big green smoothie (if I am not working).

  62. So many beverages to choose but a nice cup of coffee would be the best. Hot or iced with a little non-dairy milk and a tsp of turbinado.

    Not to mention drinking in the looks of shock on my bosses’ faces when they read the mug…I’d eventually explain VeganMoFo. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  63. My favourite morning beverage is Level ground fairtrade coffee with pacific foods chocolate hazelnut milk and a little bit of earths own almond fresh coconut milk. Perfection:)

  64. I like plain water. Is that too boring? I feel very refreshed and awake drinking a cup the first thing in the morning. Water does your body good. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  65. Earl Grey. Loose leaf tea, about a heaped teaspoon for my giant mug. Brewed with water that has cooled down slightly after boiling. And only brewed for 3 minutes. 4 at a push. Black, no sugar.

    I down that for the nice happy caffeine, then down a glass of water because I dehydrate ridiculously easily then I can take on the world.

  66. Tea, always tea in the morning. Sencha if I’m feeling pretty awake, or a Ceylon black if I need a little help getting going!

  67. Unsweetened vanilla almond milk with the remains of my Rice Chex! Hey, cereal milk is a real thing. And rightly so as it is DELICIOUS.

  68. Is there anything better than a delicious fruity and green smoothie? Get your fiber and protein going with yummy deliciousness.

  69. I love hot chocolate made with rice milk and the homemade mix recipe that my mom used. Or orange juice – but not if my breakfast item is sweet (pancakes with syrup, etc.). This is a very important rule. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  70. How cute!! Call me boring but my favorite morning beverage is coffee (decaf now that I’m pregnant), with unsweetened almond-coconut milk. Mornings don’t feel complete without it!

  71. Coffee with Silk creamer. Vanilla or plain. The first cup before anyone’s awake is definitely the best one!

  72. My favorite morning beverage is hot coffee, black and brewed pour-over style because it forces me to take my time and appreciate the start of the day. ๐Ÿ™‚

  73. Freshly-made fair trade, organic, shade grown coffee with soy milk or almond milk, in my favorite mug. My favorite mug right now is the souvenir mug from last year’s Vida Vegan (very classy!) — but if I’m lucky enough to win, THIS will be my new all-time favorite mug. ๐Ÿ™‚

  74. Peets coffee for me, with a French press, unless I’m lazy I do Starburcks Via instant coffee, which I actually think tastes even better, but it’s a little pricey.

  75. I greet the day with a hot tea! It’s either Chinese Breakfast (black tea blend), Jasmine Green, or Chai – organic of course. All very tasty, but I’m sure they’d be even more outstanding in this awesomely beautiful vegan mug!

  76. Oh my Gawd, I’ve been lusting after those forever! This is the best prize. Ok, anyway, I like to start my day with freshly brewed coffee with coconut milk and coconut sugar.

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