Giveaway – LUSH

Giveaway – LUSH

We have our five winners! Congratulation, e–mails are on the way! I loved reading everyones answers, they made me feel all warm and cosy and excited about snow, mince pies, Christmas & hot chocolate!

Caroline Cotterall: I love cold crisp but dry days when the ground is all frosty and the leaves are orange. Snuggling up in front of the fire and drinking copious amounts of hot chocolate.

Alexandra Turner: Getting the tree and decorations out, the clocks going back (an extra hour in bed!), lots of nice food and family / friend get togethers. Father Christmas is beginning to make a reappearance in my house as I have two year old twins. Looking forward to leaving out mince pieces and carrots for reindeers. Also my birthday is in winter (just after New Year) and I’m now planning my winter wedding that’s happening in January 2014.

Rachel: I know it’s silly to have a “season” for eating things, because really you can eat whatever whenever, but I feel like winter-time has the best food and drink – pumpkin stuff, nog, gingery things. So I guess my favourite thing about winter is food!

J Applebee: My favourite thing about winter: Spending the extra-long nights with people I love. I adore waking up to hot crumpets and jam, warm smiles and hotter kisses. Makes slugging to work through the wind and rain worth it just to have that first.

Sal: My favourite thing about winter is easy – CHRISTMAS!! I love everything about it. And of course – Winter is Snow Fairy season!

Are you feeling a little tired after spending October cooking, eating, blogging & commenting up a storm for Vegan MoFo? Are you as in love with everything LUSH as I am? Do you live in the UK or Ireland? If the answer to all of these questions is Yes, Yes, YES then boy do we have an awesome competition for you!

LUSH have generously offered to give away five, yes, FIVE, Winter Wishes giftboxes to you, our lovely MoFo blog readers. As I said before I’m a little bit in love with LUSH. I currently have three different LUSH shower gels on the go (Twilight, Happy Hippy & Snow Fairy) and my favourite way to wind down after a stressful day is a relaxing glitter-filled bubble bath using one of my favourite bubble bars. LUSH are one of my favourite companies ever. They’re super animal friendly – most of their products are vegan, including their entire new make up range. Nothing is ever tested on animals by them or their suppliers and they’re involved in loads of wonderful campaigns, from human rights to animal rights and beyond.

This great giftbox includes a little bit of everything; two lovely soaps, including the one I have in my bathroom right now, Snow Globe, the all-new and super exciting orange juice, plum & cinnamon infused Ponche shower gel which is sure to perk you up on a cold winter morning, and an Each Peach massage bar which will definitely help you relax & wind down after all of this strenuous MoFoing.

To enter just leave a comment below before 3pm GMT tomorrow telling us what your favourite thing about Winter is. Please be sure to leave a valid e-mail address so that we can contact you if you win. The winner will be randomly selected and announced after the giveaway has ended. This competition is only open to anyone living in the UK & Ireland.

75 thoughts on “Giveaway – LUSH

  1. I know it’s silly to have a “season” for eating things, because really you can eat whatever whenever, but I feel like winter-time has the best food and drink – pumpkin stuff, nog, gingery things. So I guess my favourite thing about winter is food!

  2. My favorite thing about winter is sparkling white blanket and the crisp, cool, quiet air after a fresh now.

    And skiing and holidays of course. 😉

  3. I like hot chocolate with my kids when they get in from school, and snow days where we don’t get out of our pyjamas (as long as our heating actually works!). Thanks for the give away!

  4. All my favourite memories are in winter. It’s when all my friends return from whatever part of the world they are living in for a few weeks at Christmas. It’s full of eating, drinking, long chats and hugs. So, my favourite thing about winter is my friends!

  5. my favorite thing about winter is the excuse to slow down. i’m an overcommitter, and winter gives me a chance to say no, turn on a movie, get out some stitching, and relax.

    oh and christmas, duh.

  6. I love the way the cold air catches your throat when you first go out, and I love the smell of the air when it’s snowed!

  7. I love LUSH cosmetics and we have one in a mall nearby! WOOT! My favorite thing about winter is Christmas decorations and Christmas music. I know they are both corny, but I love them!!!

  8. Oooh I do enjoy me some LUSH! And there are things there I haven’t tried, I may have to go look them up next week!!
    My favourite thing about Winter is when it gets close to Christmas and it’s time to snuggle up in a blanket and start watching The Snowman, and Father Christmas, and all the old movies that make me feel festive 🙂 love it!

  9. my favorite thing about winter is that cozy morning feeling i get when the world is gray or foggy or rainy and very cold and i wake up to the sound of my heater turning on 🙂

  10. I’m an outdoorsy girl, and so the best thing about winter is those perfect crisp cold days, with air that smells amazing. On days like this there is nothing better than heading out for a long cold hike in the hills to enjoy the amazing views and get a rosy glow on your cheeks.
    Then afterwards its home for hot chocolate and a hot bath (usually with a Lush bath bomb).

  11. My favourite thing about Winter is CHRISTMAS! I love the whole ‘sparkly light season’ in the the build up, all the shopping, all the food and presents. I especially love having two weeks off work, boyfriend actually having some time off work and arranging time to catch up with friends and family. Plus all the parties. ‘Tis the season to be jolly and all that! :)))

  12. My favorite thing about winter is waking up to find that it snowed overnight and everything is so pretty for awhile. Then getting to stay in bed with a book and hot chocolate and later play in the snow with my dog. He LOVES snow.

  13. I love how the trees look with snow on them! So pretty! I also love snuggling up on the couch with a book and just watching it snow.

  14. Having lived in New England for several years, my favorite thing had always been the first snowfall. But this year I am in Florida to be near my parents, so although there will be no white stuff around for winter, being with family will be the best!

  15. I don’t live where it snows, so I don’t get to enjoy that. But every year, I look forward to putting on Joan Baez’ Noel CD (we listened to it every year during my childhood) and cooking up a storm! Mulled cider, spiced quick breads, roasted tomato soup, and this year, about a million vegan recipes I’m dying to try.

  16. I live in North Central Texas, and we don’t really get a traditional winter. If we’re very lucky, we get one snow day every year, when the whole metroplex shuts down, and the streets get quiet because everyone stays home, and the whole world is covered in white. I love that day.

  17. I love going to the Christmas market for a mulled wine and then choosing a tree. My tree decorations have been collected over the years and are either handmade or from places I’ve travelled to so there’s lots of happy memories to enjoy whilst unwrapping them and hanging them on the tree.

  18. I love winter because you get to wear really cool clothes. Big thick coats, patterned scarfs, chunky knitwear, and hats. Loads better than summer.

  19. Now that I have a yard and a garden, I love the idea of following the rhythms of the seasons – warm weather means working and playing outside. What I love most about Winter is that it forces me to stay inside, and then I get to catch up on reading and watching movies (all while curled up on the couch with a warm dog!).

  20. My favorite thing about winter–fog days! (These are ‘snow days’ in other parts of the country. If we get snow in central California everything closes & people wander around outside as if the Apocalypse is happening.)

  21. Getting the tree and decorations out, the clocks going back (an extra hour in bed!), lots of nice food and family / friend get togethers. Father Christmas is beginning to make a reappearance in my house as I have two year old twins. Looking forward to leaving out mince pieces and carrots for reindeers. Also my birthday is in winter (just after New Year) and I’m now planning my winter wedding that’s happening in January 2014.

  22. My favourite thing about winter is easy – CHRISTMAS!! I love everything about it. And of course – Winter is Snow Fairy season!

  23. My favourite thing about winter is the cold weather so that I can wrap up warm and it like that it is an excuse to have hot chocolate 🙂

  24. ops didn’t meant to post that! lol

    My fave thing about winter is cuddling up under duvet after a nice hot bath! I also love sledging followed by snow ball fights! (never too old for that ;))


  25. My favourite thing about winter: Spending the extra-long nights with people I love. I adore waking up to hot crumpets and jam, warm smiles and hotter kisses. Makes slugging to work through the wind and rain worth it just to have that first.

  26. My favorite thing about winter is indulging in tons of roasted vegetables, particularly winter squashes! And wearing lots of sweaters and pants. I looove layers.

  27. I love when you walk outside right after it snows and everything is completely silent! Also, wearing sweaters is the best.

  28. I love drinking special Christmas-blends of tea, making hot soups & stews, & wearing glittery things. & my birthday is the 23rd December so I have double the winter fun! ^___^


  29. I love winter for the coziness of a blanket and a cup of hot chocolate. I love when a ton of snow has fallen, and after all of the craziness, just some light fluff is coming down just at twilight and everything outside is peaceful, silent and seems to be illuminated from every direction. I love taking hikes in the snow with my puppy and just enjoying life as it is in that moment. I also love the moment when you wake up and look outside and everything is white and fluffy; it makes you feel like a little kid again.

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